Talent Magazine Editorial Board

In order to guarantee quality content, capable of creating an impact on People management, it is up to the Editorial Board to select and guarantee the best content. It is in this way that we intend to contribute to the development of People – and their People – in the HR sector.

The Talent Magazine Editorial Board is composed of:

José Carlos Lourenço

Associated Partner na Kept People, Baker Tilly e Lucena Consulting

Titilope Olajide

Head of People & Change KPMG, East Africa

Carla Caracol

Vice-President of the Portuguese People Management Association

Anabela Chastre

President of the Lusophone Leadership Summit and CEO of Chastre Consulting

Dário Caetano de Sousa

Lawyer, specialist in Gender and Human Rights Senior Research and Human Rights Officer at Lambda

Eduardo Clemente

Executive Director at Standard Bank Angola

Anderson de Souza Sant'Anna

Professor da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (FGV EAESP)